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Displaying episodes 1 - 7 of 7 in total

Tim Adams

Tim Adams doesn’t love terms like ‘vulnerable’ or ‘at-risk’ or ‘marginalised’ to describe the thousands of kids he’s worked with these past 13 years.Adams' preferred t...

Peter Smyth

Peter Smyth has a novel suggestion for helping at-risk and high-risk youth.Try patience and kindness instead.Smyth, who worked 30-plus years for the Alberta Children's...

Shalini Sinha

Shalini Sinha is not here to make Canadians feel comfortable about our work to date fighting racism.Progress? What progress?But take note: Nor is she a flame-throwing ...

Dr. Robin Mazumder

In essence, a city is just a hodgepodge of streets, buildings and green spaces where people live, work and play.Cities are the seas we swim in. Yet only now are resear...

Anne Harvey

Anne Harvey’s passion is matchmaking. Mind you, not in the romantic sense.Harvey, a “relationship-oriented leader,” began introducing Edmontonians to each other in 201...

Don Iveson

You could say this man needs no introduction.Except Don Iveson was often improperly introduced as Don Ive-R-son, even during the years 2013-2021 when he served as Edmo...

Introduction to LiftEd

Welcome to the LiftEd Podcast, sponsored by EndPovertyEdmonton and hosted by its executive director Erick Ambtman, along with former city councillor Scott McKeen.We’re...

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